Saturday, February 26, 2011

By Golly! I have it!

I do.. I really think I do. My husband is always pestering me about becoming an entrepreneur. I've toyed with a few ideas in the past, about what kind of foodservice establishment I might like to start and run. To be honest, I'm very intimidated by the mere thought of it all. The statistics alone are enough to jumpstart heart palpitations. However, something in a google search tonight impressed upon me the lack of a certain kind of market in Memphis. I have it. In my head, it's perfect. Small scale. Something I can easily run myself with just a few other pair of hands. It's perfect and something I can see myself greatly enjoying.

The only problem is.. time. I certainly don't have the time right now. I'm about to embark on the third semester of what I fear will be a three year bachelor's degree. Also, collectively I have only 2 years of experience working in a commercial kitchen. And this has been spaced out over the span of 7 years. So needless to say.. I'm still feeling pretty shakey.

However, I'm going to view this with a silver lining and sum the problem up with 'It gives me more time to hammer out the details'. You don't want to go into something like this all willy nilly. No.. There has to be planning. Extensive planning. Research. Experiments, Brainstorming. ..Saving. Certainly, it is an investment. Likely, we'll have to offer up some kind of major collateral to grow legs on something like this. I think though, that if I had a well thought out business plan and the experience to back it up, I can pull it off. So this is where all this extra time is going to do me some good. Gives me time to gather my thoughts, attempt executions, and spend more time with my family while they're young and budding.

I'm excited though. Nay, I'm invigorated. I think I have a real shot at this. Pity, I can't even give a breath of a hint about what it is for fear of stolen intellectual property but.. I can say that yes, it is something that's been done before but I'm going to make it mine. I'm on fire.. And now at the start.