Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Drake's Room Theme..

Is to be a solar/alien/robot/rocket fusion. I love this bedding from the Land of Nod. I'm going to build his whole room around it. His room has been racecars since he was a toddler (he loved the movie Cars). He still likes cars but I think he has a bigger interest in space and planets and I think that subject matter speaks to him better. Drake has autism. The reality is that he may never be able to drive a car for functional purposes so I don't want to keep a main area of his shelter in a theme surrounding cars if he can never.. well, you know what I'm getting at. I just think space fits better with his personality.

I'll be going with a dark blue paint, leaving one wall as an accent wall where I'm going to paint a giant sun like the one on the quilt. Then I'll either paint stars, planets and galaxies all over or get some decals. IDK, I'll have to test my skillz. Haven't painted in awhile (but it's been a past hobby of mine - nothing like custom made art for your home).

 The glow in the dark solar system I'm going to install (it's remote controlled)

Then I plan on making a rocket out of papermache and suspending it from the ceiling, kind of like this

Also, I thought it might be cool to hang these around the rocket - they glow in the dark

This would be a cool nightlight - Drake doesn't like sleeping in complete darkness

And I maaaay end up regretting it but I think the payoff will be worth it. Drake really loves drawing. All my kids do really but it seems to be a great outlet for Drake, as he's a very visual guy both educationally and with expression. I want to get this 4 panel pack of stick on chalkboards for his walls. If they made these in a whiteboard form (which they may, I haven't yet looked) I'd get those too as that is his favorite drawing medium. There's always the option of leaving an easel in his room too.

That's all for now but in summation, Land of Nod rocks my socks.